
LONDON Marathon

A marathon that once run you will compare all other marathons you run in the world to how well run and organised this is.

The London Marathon: A Tapestry of Triumph, Endurance, and Community

The London Marathon stands as a quintessential testament to the human spirit, captivating millions of hearts as one of the world's most iconic athletic events. Each year, the bustling streets of the British capital transform into a spectacular arena where runners from around the globe gather to conquer the ultimate feat of endurance. Spanning 26.2 miles of historic landmarks, vibrant neighbourhoods, and an electrifying atmosphere, the London Marathon weaves together a tapestry of triumph, determination, and unity.

As the dawn of race day breaks, anticipation and excitement permeate the air surrounding Greenwich Park. The first light of day illuminates the eager faces of over 40,000 participants, their breath visible in the crisp morning air. Athletes, both seasoned and novice, clad in an array of colourful costumes, donning personalized running shirts, or representing their chosen charities, stand united, ready to embark on a journey that will test their physical and mental limits.

The gun fires, unleashing a surge of adrenaline through the runners' veins. Their feet pound against the pavement, blending into a symphony of determination as they make their way through the historic streets of Greenwich, past the Cutty Sark, and towards the heart of the city.

The route of The London Marathon route showcases the rich tapestry of the city, leading participants past an illustrious array of landmarks that bear witness to centuries of history. Tower Bridge rises majestically ahead, an awe-inspiring structure that symbolizes the crossing between the old and new. As runners ascend its magnificent arches, a panoramic view of the Thames stretches out before them, serving as a reminder of the magnitude of their undertaking.

The course continues along the Embankment, with the river serving as a steadfast companion. Cheers and shouts of encouragement emanate from the crowds that line the streets, creating an infectious energy that propels runners forward. Buckingham Palace emerges on the horizon, its regal presence adding a touch of grandeur to the already momentous occasion. The sight of the finish line beckons, tantalisingly close yet demanding one final push from all the weary competitors.

The atmosphere of the London Marathon is more than just a race; it is a celebration of human potential and camaraderie. The streets pulsate with a palpable energy, reverberating with the cheers of supporters who come together to form an unwavering wall of encouragement. Families, friends, and strangers alike wave banners, ring cowbells, and shout words of inspiration, offering sustenance to the determined athletes.

The spirit of the event is amplified by the eclectic mix of participants. Elite runners, their gazelle-like strides propelled by years of training, share the course with weekend warriors, running to fulfill personal goals or raise funds for charitable causes. The vibrant costumes of those in fancy dress add an element of whimsy, their presence reminding everyone that the London Marathon embraces all who dare to take part.

The human stories: embedded within the vast sea of runners are countless stories of personal triumph and resilience. Each competitor has their own motivation, whether it be conquering a personal demon, honouring a loved one, or supporting a cause close to their heart. The London Marathon offers a platform for these stories to be told and shared with the world.

Runners pushing their limits, overcoming physical challenges, or defying societal expectations inspire onlookers with their unwavering determination. Amidst the pulsating crowds, it is not uncommon to witness tears of joy, embraces of triumph, and acts of solidarity as strangers uplift and support one another, united by a common goal.

The finish lines the final stretch comes into view, the collective energy reaches a crescendo. The Mall, flanked by the regal architecture of St. James's Palace and Admiralty Arch, serves as the backdrop for the culmination of months, if not years, of preparation and sacrifice.

With each step, exhaustion intertwines with elation, and the finish line grows ever closer. Emotions spill over as runners cross the hallowed threshold, collapsing into the waiting arms of loved ones, the weight of their achievement settling upon their shoulders.

The London Marathon is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, an annual celebration that brings people from all walks of life together in pursuit of a common goal. It is a kaleidoscope of triumph, endurance, and community, leaving an indelible mark on those who witness or take part in this extraordinary event. As the sun sets on the race, the legacy of the London Marathon continues to inspire generations, igniting the flame of possibility within the hearts of all who dare to dream and push their boundaries.

New york marathon

The one marathon that I said if I ever find London too easy I would run this one in the same year.

Very undulating, fantastic to run through each quarter seeing the very different communities.

The New York Marathon: A City's Beat Uniting Runners in a Journey of Grit and Inspiration In the heart of the concrete jungle, where dreams are forged and ambitions take flight, the New York Marathon stands tall as a testament to human resilience and the indomitable spirit of the city.

As one of the world's most iconic athletic events, the marathon weaves its way through the vibrant streets of New York, embracing the diversity and energy that define this metropolis.

From Staten Island to Central Park, the New York Marathon paints a vivid portrait of determination, endurance, and the collective heartbeat of a city. In the early morning hours, Staten Island awakens with a sense of anticipation and electricity.

The starting line of the New York Marathon is a sea of vibrant colours and eager faces, representing a mosaic of nations and cultures. Runners from all walks of life, bound by a shared passion for the sport, gather together to embark on an arduous journey that will test their physical and mental limits.
With the sound of the starting gun, a wave of adrenaline courses through the veins of the runners. Feet pound against the pavement as they make their way across the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, connecting the boroughs and launching them into the heart of the city.
The New York Marathon's route is a tapestry woven through the very fabric of the city. As runners traverse the five boroughs, they experience the city's vibrant neighbourhoods and diverse communities.

The course takes them through the iconic streets of Brooklyn, where enthusiastic spectators line the sidewalks, offering high-fives and words of encouragement.

The energy is infectious, propelling the runners forward as they pass brownstones, local shops, and bustling crowds. Crossing the Queensboro Bridge, a moment of solitude and reflection descends upon the runners.

The resounding silence is broken only by the sound of footsteps echoing against the steel structure. Yet, as they emerge onto First Avenue, a wall of sound engulfs them.

Thousands of cheering supporters line the street, their cheers reverberating off the towering skyscrapers, creating a symphony of inspiration.
The New York Marathon is a celebration of community, bringing together New Yorkers and visitors from across the globe. The city's vibrant spirit shines through as residents open their doors, offering sustenance, encouragement, and resounding applause.

Every neighbourhood has its unique character, united in their support for the runners. From the boisterous energy of Brooklyn to the multicultural tapestry of Queens, the city becomes a melting pot of cultures, united by the common language of human achievement.

The streets are lined with homemade banners, motivational signs, and heartfelt messages of encouragement. Strangers become instant friends, as the runners are lifted by the collective spirit of the crowd.
Within the multitude of runners, the New York Marathon showcases a tapestry of human stories. Each participant has their own reason for taking on this monumental challenge. Some are seasoned athletes, striving for personal bests, while others are embarking on their first marathon, driven by a desire to push their boundaries.
As the miles tick by, tales of personal triumph and resilience emerge. The runner who overcame illness or adversity, the one dedicating their race to a loved one, or the individual using the marathon as a platform to raise funds for a charitable cause—all are united by the shared journey they undertake on the streets of New York.
As the runners enter Central Park, the grand finale comes into view. The collective energy swells, carried by the crowd's thunderous applause. The sights, sounds, and smells merge into an overwhelming sensory experience as runners sprint towards the finish line.

The moment of crossing that threshold is a culmination of months of training, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication. The finish line of the New York Marathon is more than a destination; it is a triumph of the human spirit.

Tears flow, arms are raised in victory, and embraces of accomplishment ensue. In that instant, runners become heroes, their hearts pounding with a mixture of exhaustion and elation.
The New York Marathon epitomises the soul of a city known for its hustle, diversity, and unwavering spirit. It is a symphony of footsteps, a celebration of human potential, and a journey that transcends individual achievements.

As runners conquer the five boroughs, they carry with them the essence of New York—the relentless pursuit of dreams, the resilience in the face of challenges, and the unwavering support of a community united in their pursuit of greatness.

The New York Marathon stands as a testament to the human spirit, inspiring millions to lace up their running shoes and join the chorus of determination that resounds through the city's streets.

Calgary Marathon

The Calgary Marathon: A Journey Through Nature's Splendor and Spirited Community Nestled at the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains, the Calgary Marathon is a celebration of athleticism, nature's grandeur, and a vibrant community. With its picturesque landscapes, a spirited crowd, and a course that winds through the heart of this Canadian city, the marathon offers a captivating experience for runners and spectators alike. From the energetic start line to the triumphant finish, the Calgary Marathon weaves together the beauty of nature, the endurance of the human spirit, and the warmth of a supportive community. As dawn breaks over the city, anticipation builds at the starting line of the Calgary Marathon. Athletes from diverse backgrounds, dressed in colourful attire or representing charities close to their hearts, gather with a shared purpose—to test their limits and embrace the challenge that lies ahead. The air crackles with excitement and nervous energy, as the runners mentally prepare for the journey through Calgary's scenic wonders. The Calgary Marathon course showcases the breathtaking beauty of the city and its surroundings. As runners take their first steps, they venture through vibrant neighbourhoods, towering skyscrapers, and serene parklands. The course seamlessly blends urban energy with the tranquillity of nature, offering a unique perspective on Calgary's dynamic landscape. The Bow River, a lifeline that meanders through the heart of the city, guides runners on their path. They cross bridges, their strides mirroring the flow of the river beneath. The enchanting scent of pine trees permeates the air as the course winds its way through lush parks, providing a respite from the urban bustle. The Calgary Marathon buzzes with an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. The streets are lined with enthusiastic spectators, their cheers and encouraging shouts echoing through the air. Families, friends, and fellow runners form a spirited community, providing unwavering support along every mile. Calgary's welcoming spirit shines brightly during the marathon. Neighbours offer high-fives and water stations become gathering points for uplifting conversations. The diverse and multicultural city embraces the marathon as a chance to unite, transcending boundaries of age, background, and ability. The energy is contagious, carrying runners through moments of doubt and pushing them towards triumph. The Human Stories: Within the tapestry of the Calgary Marathon, countless personal narratives unfold. Each participant has their own motivation and story, embodying the determination and resilience that define this event. Runners conquer personal challenges, honour loved ones, or strive to make a positive impact on the community. The marathon becomes a platform for stories of triumph and inspiration. The runner overcoming an injury or illness, the individual running for a cause close to their heart, or the first-time marathoner pushing beyond their perceived limitations—all contribute to the mosaic of human achievement and the celebration of the human spirit. As the final stretch comes into view finishing in the saddle dome, emotions reach a crescendo. The crowd's roars of encouragement serve as a soundtrack to the runners' weary but resolute steps.

Crossing the finish line is an exultant moment, where exhaustion and the pain melts away in the face of accomplishment. Embraces, tears, and triumphant smiles fill the air, symbolising the culmination of months of training, sacrifice, and unwavering determination. The Calgary Marathon is a testament to the beauty of nature, the power of community, and the indomitable spirit of the human soul. As runners embark on a journey through Calgary's scenic wonders, they become part of a collective experience that unites athletes and spectators alike. The marathon is more than a race; it is a celebration of the human spirit, resilience, and the bonds that form when a community comes together to cheer, inspire, and uplift. The Calgary Marathon leaves an indelible mark on all who participate or witness this extraordinary event. It showcases the splendour of the Rockies, nature, the vibrancy of a spirited city, and the triumph of the human spirit. Whether it's the breath-taking landscapes, the supportive community, or the personal stories of triumph and determination, the Calgary Marathon embodies the essence of what it means to push boundaries, embrace challenges, and forge unforgettable memories.

Stratford-upon-avon marathon

The Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon: Where History, Shakespeare, and Running Converge In the enchanting town of Stratford-upon-Avon, where the legacy of William Shakespeare lives on, a marathon unfolds, weaving together the rich tapestry of history, culture, and the enduring spirit of athleticism.

The Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon is a celebration of the town's literary heritage and stunning natural surroundings.

With its picturesque course winding through charming streets and idyllic countryside, the marathon offers a unique and captivating experience for runners and spectators alike.
At the start line on the day of the Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon begins with an air of anticipation. As participants gather at the start line, nestled within the historic heart of the town, they are surrounded by centuries-old buildings that exude a sense of grandeur and mystique.

Runners, adorned in running gear and anticipation, eagerly await the moment when their feet will carry them on a journey that blends athleticism and cultural immersion.
The marathon route unravels like a literary tale, taking participants through the very fabric of Stratford-upon-Avon's charm. Runners venture along streets lined with quaint Tudor-style buildings, their half-timbered facades serving as a reminder of the town's rich history.

From the start, they pass iconic landmarks such as Shakespeare's Birthplace and Anne Hathaway's Cottage, where the echoes of the world's greatest playwright seem to whisper in the air.
As the course extends beyond the town, it leads runners through the scenic Warwickshire countryside, where rolling hills, verdant meadows, and gentle streams create a serene backdrop.

The route meanders through picturesque villages, enchanting woodlands, and open fields, offering glimpses of rural beauty that inspired Shakespeare himself.
The Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon resonates with a unique atmosphere that melds the reverence for Shakespearean history with the camaraderie of a spirited running community.

The streets are lined with enthusiastic spectators who applaud and cheer as runners pass by, their cheers mingling with the town's palpable sense of pride.
The marathon unites locals and visitors, fostering a shared celebration of athleticism, culture, and the enduring legacy of Shakespeare. Spectators and volunteers don Shakespearean costumes, creating a whimsical ambiance that transports runners into the world of the Bard.

The streets come alive with the spirit of the marathon, resonating with cheers, laughter, and words of encouragement that add an extra spring to the runners' steps.
Within the fabric of the Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon are myriad personal stories of triumph, dedication, and inspiration. Runners of all ages and backgrounds come together to conquer personal goals, raise funds for charitable causes, or simply immerse themselves in the magic of the town.

Each participant brings their own narrative, creating a diverse and inspiring tapestry of human achievement. Among the marathon's participants are runners who have overcome adversity, battled personal demons, or chosen to honour loved ones.

Their stories become an integral part of the marathon's collective narrative, reminding everyone of the indomitable human spirit and the power of perseverance.
As runners approach the finish line, the town's effervescent energy reaches its zenith. The crowd roars with anticipation, applauding and cheering each athlete who crosses the threshold of triumph.

Emotions run high as tears of joy, elation, and exhaustion mix with the triumphant smiles of accomplishment. The finish line of the Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon is more than a conclusion to a physical feat; it represents the culmination of a journey infused with history, culture, and personal achievement.

It is a moment where the spirit of Stratford-upon-Avon embraces every runner, enveloping them in a shared sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.
The Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon is a testament to the enduring allure of Shakespeare's legacy, the picturesque beauty of the town, and the profound sense of community that running can foster.

As participants traverse the course, they embark on a unique journey that combines athletic achievement with cultural immersion.

The marathon unites history, literature, and athleticism, creating a captivating experience that inspires runners to push their boundaries and embrace the magic of Stratford-upon-Avon.
With its captivating start line, picturesque route, and lively atmosphere, the Stratford-upon-Avon Marathon paints a vibrant portrait of a town deeply intertwined with its cultural heritage.

It is a celebration of the human spirit, the pursuit of excellence, and the power of literature to ignite inspiration. In the footsteps of Shakespeare, runners find themselves part of a timeless narrative, where passion, endurance, and the beauty of Stratford-upon-Avon converge to create an unforgettable marathon experience.

Manchester marathon

Ran this marathon pre commonwealth games route to test it out in 2001. The Manchester Marathon: A Vibrant Tapestry of Running, Resilience, and Community Spirit Nestled in the heart of England's North West, the Manchester Marathon stands as a symbol of strength, unity, and the unyielding spirit of this vibrant city.
Every year, thousands of runners from around the world converge upon Manchester's streets, creating a mosaic of determination, camaraderie, and athletic prowess. As the course weaves its way through iconic landmarks and bustling neighbourhoods, the Manchester Marathon showcases a rich tapestry of running, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of the city. Start on race day, the air crackles with anticipation as runners assemble at the starting line, united by a shared passion for the sport. From elite athletes to first-time marathoners, the participants stand shoulder-to-shoulder, their nervous excitement permeating the atmosphere. As the starting gun echoes through the air, a surge of adrenaline courses through their veins, propelling them forward onto the streets of Manchester. The Manchester Marathon route encompasses the city's diverse tapestry, showcasing its rich history and vibrant energy. From the iconic Old Trafford stadium to the bustling city centre, the course offers a scenic journey through the heart of Manchester.
Runners navigate a mosaic of architectural marvels, cultural landmarks, and thriving neighbourhoods, providing an immersive experience into the city's fabric. The course takes runners through the vibrant streets of Chorlton, where lively cafes, boutique shops, and a bohemian atmosphere invigorate both runners and spectators alike.

Cheers and applause echo through the air, serving as a constant source of encouragement as participants pass through the eclectic neighbourhoods. The Manchester Marathon pulsates with an electric atmosphere, fuelled by the unwavering support of the local community. The streets are lined with enthusiastic spectators who cheer, clap, and offer words of encouragement to every runner who passes by.

Families, friends, and even strangers become the runners' greatest champions, igniting a fire within them to conquer the challenging miles that lie ahead. The spirit of Manchester shines brightly on race day, as the city's famed resilience and community spirit come to the forefront. Banners flutter in the wind, music fills the air, and the cheers of the crowd create an energetic symphony that propels runners forward.

It is a celebration of human achievement, with the shared understanding that every step taken is a triumph of willpower and determination.
Embedded within the sea of runners are countless stories of personal triumph and perseverance.

The Manchester Marathon serves as a platform for individuals to conquer personal challenges, fulfil lifelong dreams, or raise funds for charitable causes close to their hearts.

Each participant brings their unique motivation, inspiring others with their unwavering determination. Runners push themselves beyond physical and mental limits, overcoming obstacles and reaching for the stars.

The marathon becomes a tapestry of stories—of individuals who have overcome illness, loss, or adversity, and find solace and strength through running. Their stories serve as a testament to the power of the human spirit and the transformative impact of the Manchester Marathon.
As the final stretch comes into view, a mixture of exhaustion and elation fills the air. The collective energy reaches a crescendo as runners enter the home stretch, guided by the cheers of the crowd.

The resounding applause becomes a deafening roar as the finish line draws near, fuelling the runners with a renewed burst of energy.
Crossing the finish line is an emotional culmination of months of preparation, determination, and sacrifice. It is a moment of triumph, where tears of joy mix with the sweat of accomplishment.

In that instant, runners become part of a community that spans nations, ages, and backgrounds—a community bonded by the shared experience of the Manchester Marathon.
The Manchester Marathon embodies the spirit of a city that embraces diversity, resilience, and community. It is a celebration of human potential, where runners from all walks of life come together to challenge themselves, inspire others, and forge lasting memories.

As runners conquer the streets of Manchester, they carry with them the indomitable spirit of a city that refuses to be defined by its past but rather thrives on the strength, passion, and unity of its people.

The Manchester Marathon is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together the threads of running, resilience, and community spirit, inspiring countless individuals to push beyond their limits and create their own extraordinary journeys


Lots of people I meet ask me what did I use to get here, well, some of the things I used to help me you can find below

Over the years, I have utilised various tools and resources that have been beneficial in different aspects of my life. These I have included on my link tree account, with the best places I have found to purchase these from.

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After having my gait tested which I would recommend all runners do before buying the correct trainers for your gait.
This for me turns out to be motion control.
Started using Nike Air Stucture Triax, now using Asics Gel Foundation

I make use of a company that I found out in Canada called Haloheadband. These headbands come with a gutter built into them which allows for the sweat to be taken away from running into your eyes and down your face. Click here to find out.

After researching what has happened to me I have found that there are certain supplementary medicines that aid my body.

These being :

Ginko Biloba – Natural blood thinner
Siberian Ginseng – Helps with the retention of energy
Garlic capsules – Cleans the blood
High Strength Cod Liver Oil – Natural joint lubricant
Glucosamine Sulphate – Helps with joints
Condroitin Sulphate – Helps with joints
MSM – Also Helps with joints

Any suitable technical t-shirts that are available.

Make use of Helly Hansen which allows skin to breath but lets the sweat out keeping away from the skin.

Under Amour, some has the same technology.

Full Strike shock absorbing insoles, Sorbothane comes in 3 different types, heal strike, double strike and full strike they last 600 miles so as long as trainers should. The best insoles